Monday, August 10, 2009

Spiritual Healing for Physical Conditions

Spiritual Healing for Physical Conditions - Tune In and Read the Signs Yes!

Another word for illness is disease. If you break it down into 'dis-ease' it means a state of not being at ease. That is all physical disease is : a condition where you are not comfortable. It simply means you are not in a state of ease. It means that, as well as your physical energies being depleted, your energies from your subtle body are also out of alignment and 'need' to be gently manipulated back into a holistic state of health.

Why do we become physically ill? The usual approach is not to question why but simply treat the condition once we have it! All of us realise that this is not effective as the root causes/s are not being eliminated. Yet if we take complete responsibility for our own life and realise that everything which happens 'to' us are actually happening 'for' us, and everything happens for a reason and because we 'need' to learn something, why do we fall ill?
We do so for a variety of reasons, and the bottom line is always because we need to learn something! So, what can we learn by falling ill? Does it feel odd to approach illness as a positive learning curve rather than something bad or undesirable? Let us look at what we can gain from physical illnesses:

- Growth of spiritual awareness.
- Greater compassion for yourself and others.
- Losing the fear of dying.
- Appreciation of your body and how not to abuse it.
- As a lesson for others.
- Ridding your body of toxins and blockages.
- increased attention from others.

Now, can you see there can be enormous benefits from illness? Can you see the possibility that we might sometimes actually choose to make ourselves ill? Consider the last point about gaining attention from others.

Reading the signs

So, what can physical illnesses possibly tell us about ourselves on another level?
Look at some of the statements below and see whether you can relate to any of them or whether they seem connected to one another. before you read them, these are only examples and are not to be taken literally!
We create illnesses for many reasons and none of the statements below is meant to be taken as the absolute truth. Illness works on many levels and below are very basic simplifications of complex issues. They are only concepts to be considered and digested. Keep an open mind as you read them.

- You feel smothered and suffocated by overprotective and possessive people around you. You develop asthma.
- You are feeling overworked and very unsupported in your life. You develop back problems.
- You are harbouring a deep sense of unrequited or spurned love which you have never been able to release. You develop heart trouble.
- You are surrounded by people who continually shout at each other and criticise you. You develop ear infections.
- You are feeling very vulnerable and frightened and eat more to form extra protection around you. You develop a weight problem.
- You see the outside world as negative, sad and depressing. You develop poor sight and need glasses.
- You are continually overwhelmed with the sensation that you are not good enough. You develop ulcers.
- You want very much to express how you feel about someone or something but you cannot. You develop a sore throat.
- You are afraid of moving forward in your life, making changes and exploring new territory. You develop leg problems.
- You are deeply critical of both yourself and others, and are constantly striving for perfection. You develop arthritis.
- You are rigid in your belief that there is only one 'right' way to do anything in life and refuse to change. You develop stiffness in your joints.
- You feel guilty over someone or something and believe you deserve to be punished. You develop physical pain somewhere in your body.
- You are desperately clinging onto someone or something, afraid to let go. You develop aches in your hands.
- You are afraid of sex and have been taught that it is dirty and unpleasant. You develop sexual infections.
- You are deeply resentful and overwhelmingly angry towards someone in your life. you develop cancer.

It is vital that you see the distinction between the potential for an illness to develop and the certainty that one will occur.
Thus, please note that there is no certainty about any illness occurring in our body. We know that energy imbalances are created by our reaction to experiences that we have. We can choose to change our reactions at any given time, and therefore change our energies and release blockages and repair holes in our aura. That is why you will benefit by working on your affirmations and other energy-releasing exercises ( shared in our Energy medicine and Reiki classes). It is simply up to you, and you only; to take 100% control of your own health and learn how to create a holistic, loving environment in which you can live every aspect of life to the full.

We'll sum up with the 10 most powerful 2 letter words in this world:
" If it is to be, it is up to me."

Live life with passion and compassion.
