Monday, June 23, 2014

Hypnosis 催眠: 转变思维,提升生活!


催 眠是作用于潜意识的一种技巧,而潜意识的力量总是强过意识的力量。心理学家告诉我们,潜意识占人脑活动的90%,人的绝大部分决定都会受潜意识影响。随着 你的潜意识的帮助下,通过催眠疗法,你会发现如何迅速和容易地改变你不想要的生活习惯,克服恐惧,增强自信心和减少不愉快的情感。


大 量的临床实践也表明,催眠在减压放松、消除身心疲劳感、改善睡眠、提高休息质量、调整心态、增强自信与改善情绪等方面都有神奇的功效。无论是对需要缓解压 力、增强业务能力的职场白领,还是对希望增强记忆力、开发潜能的学生,无论是渴望放松身心、控制体重、提升自信心和表现力的爱美人士,还是对想要改善睡眠 质量、强化免疫力的老年人都有着不俗的效果。


报名请联络 Registration:
Your Full Name & Tel No
Danley Loh 019 430 1688

催眠课程学费 Early bird RM 180* Only!!
* Payment done before 12th July (Sat)
* Payment on 13th July (Sun) is RM250!!
* 名额以收到款项为准!
* 100% profit goes to charity fund

讲师: 陈国光导师 Master Tan Kok Kuang
地点: Aident Bukit Minyak
日期: 13th July 2014 (Sun)
时间: 1pm to 5pm

- 携带YOGA Mat 或长毛巾
- 携带一把剪刀和recycle A4 paper
- 穿紫色衣服

感恩祝福大家!Joy & Bliss, Namaste _()_

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Loving What Is 一念之转 ~ 29th June'14




Loving What Is: 4 Questions That Can Change Your Life!
Who created suffering and how it can be ended? How to find peace with yourself and the world? What are the 3 kinds of business in this Universe that can lead you to freedom and abundance? These are questions that can be solved instantly with the help of the 'Loving What Is' 4 questions! What are the 4 questions? and how it Works instantly for you?

赶快报名吧!For registration & to secure your seat
kindly feel free to SMS/Whatsapp/WeChat/LINE
"Your English FULL NAME & Tel No"
to Master Danley Loh 019-430 1688
or email:

Venue: Aident Bukit Minyak
Date: 29th June 2014 (Sun)
Time: 1 - 5 pm (Registration starts at 12.30pm)
Energy Exchange: RM180*
* 100% profit goes to charity fund
* Tea break included

Your Body Never Lies 您的身体知道答案 22nd June'14

你将会明白为什么你的身体从不撒谎 ! Your Body Never Lies! 你可以在疾病出现之前发现你的身心灵的挑战,并转化它们,并及时和简快地保持健康与和谐。在此课程分享,陈国光导师将会为您提供简单而高效的方法来帮助你的身心恢复到自然健康状态!


此课程经验分享并非只是生理健康的探索,也是一场疗癒整體身心和心灵成长的分享。身体的秘密将让您找到自己內在的力量, 重新邁向喜悅,幸福,健康的生命旅程。

For the 1st time ever, you’ll understand why your body never lies to you. Discover your physical challenges before they arise, and prevent them while preserving health & harmony. Let KK also offers you simple yet highly effective ways to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health yes!

Too often, conventional Western medicine fails to detect illness - especially when it first begins & is easiest to cure. Yet, Oriental diagnosis (China ie Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, Tao Te Ching, Book of Changes I-Ching), an ancient holistic system of knowledge, can often discover physical challenges even before they arise.

Now, let Master KK shares with you all via ‘The Secret Language of Your Body’ and helps you both understand and use this natural, non-invasive approach to restore your good health for a blissful body, mind & soul. Namaste

赶快报名吧!For registration & to secure your seat
kindly feel free to SMS/Whatsapp/WeChat/LINE
"Your English FULL NAME & Tel No"
to Master Danley Loh 019-430 1688
or email:

Venue: Aident Bukit Minyak
Date: 22nd June 2014 (Sun)
Time: 1 - 5 pm (Registration starts at 12.30pm)
Energy Exchange: RM180*
* 100% profit goes to 1HT charity fund
* Tea break included
* FREE diagnostic manual worth RM280 !! A comprehensive guide on how by simply looking at the mouth, lips & teeth, eyes, nose, cheeks & ears; forehead; hair; hands; feet & skin – you can detect your health, mind & soul challenges!
免费赠送价值280令吉的诊断手册!! 通过查看口,唇,齿,眼,鼻,脸颊,耳朵,额头,头发,手,足,皮肤 以发现身体的潜伏着的疾病和身心的迫切转化!

Things to bring: A "mirror" for self-observation & diagnosis

Thank you all, Namaste